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The issue of privacy has come to the fore again this month, with the swirling controversy around WikiLeaks and previously secret government cables. From Facebook to WikiLeaks, Google Street View to an app called I Can Stalk U, 2010 has been a tumultuous year in online data privacy. Let's look back at some of the major privacy stories of the year.

      而伴随着对维基解密和以前的一些政府隐秘信息的争论不断升级,本月隐私问题又被提上了台面。从Facebook到维基解密,再到基于Google街景的应用"I Can Stalk U",2010年是在线数据隐私问题异常混乱的一年。让我们来回顾一下今年的重大隐私相关事件。


Your name, profile photo, gender, current city, networks, friends list, and all of the pages you subscribe to, became publicly available information on Facebook at the end of last year. Later, in May, Facebook reluctantly reversed some of those changes. While the default setting for most content published on Facebook remains public, control over a few key settings were shifted back into the hands of users. Notably, the ability to hide your friends list and list of interest pages from the public.



      据Facebook的CEO Mark Zuckerberg说,共享信息是当今互联网上最重要的准则,而Facebook的隐私策略改变正是对这一准则的回应。“如果人们能分享更多信息的话,整个世界就会变得更加开放和互联。”他应邀在华盛顿邮报上写下如上文章。而他没提到的则是,开放性的数据可以在广告市场更有竞争力。所以,很多人控诉Facebook放弃其最基本的原则只是为了自己牟利。

According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, sharing information is the norm on the Internet nowadays and Facebook's privacy changes were a response to this. "If people share more, the world will become more open and connected," he wrote in a guest article in the Washington Post. What he didn't say is that open data is also easier to advertise against. So, many accused Facebook of abandoning its core principles in pursuit of profit.


Other, more "open" social networks have been created to provide an alternative to Facebook - the most promising being Disapora. However, at this stage the 'open' alternatives are a very minor threat to Facebook's dominance in the social network market.





The most disruptive organization to privacy over 2010 has undoubtedly been WikiLeaks, the whistle-blowing website run by Australian Julian Assange. WikiLeaks has sought out and published thousands of previously secret government documents. It has become a new form of media company, with its so-called "scientific journalism" model and quest for radical transparency in government operations.


WikiLeaks has created a sharp divide between those people who believe that governments need to be able to carry out important diplomatic work under a cloak of secrecy, and those people who believe that freedom of information extends to what governments are doing on their behalf. Critics have argued that WikiLeaks has endangered lives, for example U.S. citizens fighting in Iraq. Proponents of WikiLeaks have argued that the system of secrecy needs to be disrupted in this manner, in order for true democracy to prevail.

      如果不是诞生在这样一个年代,维基解密也许就一文不是。正如Curt Hopkins本周总结的一样,“维基解密,以及它背后的团队,只有在社会化网络被实现的今天才有可能成功。各种机密事件都已经发生了数十年以上,但是大量的文件获取和泄露都只是最近的事情。网站,电子邮件,博客,微博客和社交网络为机密的获取和传播同时开辟了绿色通道。”

WikiLeaks is nothing if not a product of its era. As our own Curt Hopkins summarized this month, "WikiLeaks, the site and the group behind it, could not have happened until the social web did. Leaks have happened for decades but the penetration and the mass of documents only became possible recently. Websites, email, wikis, blogs, microblogs and social networks created a network of avenues for leaks to come in and to spread out again."



Google's Privacy Woes

      作为网页搜索的绝对霸主,Google知晓我们大部分人在搜什么以及我们正在点击什么。所以这种公司的隐私问题是不可避免的——而这几年这些问题则尤其的多。包括糟糕的Google Buzz(很多用户反对它和GMail整合在一起),还有Google街景汽车在没有征得别人同意的情况下随意拍摄路人。今年,Google被用户的隐私辩驳围绕——同时是在相当多的国家。

As the Web's dominant search company, Google knows what most of us search for and what we're clicking on. So privacy questions about the company are inevitable - and they were plentiful this year. From the flubbed launch of Google Buzz (many users objected to the integration with Gmail) to the roaming Google Street View vehicles snapping photos of people without their consent, Google was hassled and harangued by users - and multiple countries - about privacy issues this year.


Even Google's popular mobile OS, Android, attracted criticism. A study by university researchers found that some Android applications were transmitting private data to advertisers - often without users' knowledge. Google's response was that it was not an Android-specific issue, but one that affects all software.



The Dangers of Location Apps


Foursquare, Gowalla and similar apps took the tech world by storm this year. From a privacy point of view, it's ultimately up to users to take precautions when they are 'checking in' to locations. Sites such as the short-lived PleaseRobMe.com (which, as the name suggests, highlighted when people were away from their homes) showcased the dangers of publishing your location data to the Web.

      这些担心同时也延伸到了允许进行地理标签的服务商,知名的如Twitter。八月的时候我们曾报道了一个叫做I Can Stalk U的网站,警告了我们通过智能手机发布带地理信息标签的照片到类似Twitter等网站的危险性。


These concerns also extended to services that allow geo-tagged content, notably Twitter. In August we reported on a site called I Can Stalk U, which alerted us to the dangers of geo-tagged photos shared from your smartphone to social networks like Twitter.



eReaders & Privacy

      正如我们本月早些时候所写道的一样,电子阅读器是2010年最大的趋势之一。EFF(Electronics Frontier Foundation)最近发布了一项针对电子书提供者的隐私策略指南,其中包括了亚马逊的Kindle,Google Books以及在线文档。

As we wrote earlier this month, eReaders have been one of the biggest trends of 2010. The EFF recently released a guide to the privacy policies of eBook providers, from Amazon Kindle to Google Books to the Internet Archive.


You may not realize that both Amazon and Google log the books you buy or download, plus the pages viewed. There are benefits to this, for example Amazon can give you better eBook recommendations based on the data it tracks about what you've previously consumed. But this highlights a continuing theme of the privacy debate: to get better recommendations, you have to give up some of your privacy. Expect this to become a more prominent concern next year, as personalization and recommendations become key features of mobile shopping apps.



Privacy Controls in Browsers


Web browsers are a very competitive market, with Firefox, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Google's Chrome, Opera and others all scrambling to provide better features than the others. Privacy controls are now one of those key features in a modern web browser. Microsoft's latest browser version is Internet Explorer 9, which recently got "tracking protection" for better browsing privacy. The tracking protection will be an opt-in feature for users to identify and block certain forms of website tracking.





